About me

Connecting worlds  I am Elizabeth Brydges. I work as a Maid of Honour to Queen Elizabeth the First. I was born in 1574. My father was Giles Brydges, 3rd Baron Chandos.  He was a very important man, and  was very wealthy. Honestly, I wouldn’t be working as a Maid of Honour, but I have debts. And my cousin stole one of my estates. Well, never mind. My mother used to say that there was  no use crying over spilled milk, so I work for Queen Elizabeth. It’s not awfully bad. I get to live in the palace and sometimes my lady will give me jewellery. I am very popular at court,  because I can try to persuade my lady to listen to someone.

15 thoughts on “About me

    • She sometimes gives me jewellery when I have done a good job. Just two weeks ago she gave me a silver ring, because I mended all of her clothes. I made them look like new.

    • Not really. I am allowed to wear a little bit of jewellery, usually earrings, rings and a necklace. My Lady wears much more, and she looks beautiful with all the shining diamonds and other precious stones.

    • Well, Robert Cecil always wears grey clothes and the man I saw was wearing grey. Also the man I saw had a humpback, and Robert Cecil walks a little stooped.

    • I had heard so much about the famous plum orchard of Fulham Palace. I really wanted to see it in person. That’s why I went after the feast, because I wasn’t sure I would get time otherwise. I can tell you, I am really glad I went because it really is beautiful.

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